Hi!  I'm Ali, that's short for Alissa if you were wondering.  I am originally from northern Minnesota so talking about myself generally means just talking about the other people who made me who I am  and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have been married to Noah since May 2008.  He is my best friend, my biggest fan, my teacher and my second shooter.  We have two beautiful sons, Soren Christian and Jude Immanuel.  

If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably just see pictures of Soren and Jude and I am totally OK with that. ~ If you ask me if I want some coffee, my answer is yes. ~ I love to garden but I can''t remember to water houseplants. ~ After 8 pm my thoughts mainly gravitate toward dessert. ~ If I talk to my mom long enough on the phone my Minnesotan accent comes back in full force. ~ I didn't see the ocean until I was 21 and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life, it reminded me just how big the God I serve really is.

I believe that marriage is the hardest thing you will ever love to do.  Because of that, I work hard for those of you who are committed to the journey.  I believe that weddings are for marriage and not the other way around.  I believe that your party should reflect not only you as a couple but all the people around you who have brought you together.    I believe your marriage should be celebrated regularly, and with champagne.